Saturday, 29 July 2006

Kerouac Unedited?

According to Boing Boing, Unedited 'On The Road' is to be published! In my opinion, this could be some of the greatest news this year.

It seems to carry a lot of wonderful potential if it's published right:

The scroll contains numerous passages that were edited out of the book and uses the original names of characters who were closely modeled on friends of Kerouac, including fellow writers William S. Burroughs and Allen Ginsberg...

It remains to be seen exactly how (publisher Viking Penguin) will present the original Kerouac story, which was typed as one freewheeling, single-spaced paragraph.

It might be sacrilegious, but just in case, pray that literary history will be preserved, and that Viking will print this novel in its original form, real names and all, as Kerouac intended.

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